Do you have plans to launch your WordPress website anytime soon? Then take a look at some of the useful tricks that can make your site as smooth as a knife on butter:
Add a Favicon: You definitely would not want to see the default WordPress logo on address bar. Just install a plugin that allows you to upload a custom favicon according to your brand.
Check Your Links: Make sure that you have crossed check all your links before launching. If it appears to be a time consuming task, then simply install a plugin called the Broken Link Checker. This will sort out the problem and iron out all those external links that are linking to 404 pages.
Get Rid of Dirty Permalinks: Permalinks can be a huge headache if they are not clean enough. You can spot these links while accessing a post or child page of your website. A standard permalink would usually read something like They do not make any sense to the visitors of your website. So, simply change the settling by going to Settings>Permalinks. Just change the structure to ‘post name.’ In this way, you can change your permalink to an easily digestible link and enjoy some SEO benefits too.
Do not forget to update your copyright information: It is extremely important information which you just cannot afford to ignore. If you have bought any purchased theme, then remove the references to the development company as well as theme name. Add your own credential in its place and mark the year correctly.
Activate Akismet: This is easily one of the most important plugin as it helps in filtering out comments and tracking back spam as well. Just spare a couple of minutes to activate this plugin’s rich features and benefit from them.
Install Google Analytics: It is important to keep an eye on your traffic and you would not find a better tool than Google Analytics. Install Yoast and you would not have to spend extra time on coding either.
Get a Sitemap: By creating a sitemap for your site, you can make the work of search engines a lot simpler as they can index it easily and quickly. By installing Google XML Sitemaps, your sitemap will update automatically with every new page.
Get Google Authorship With Fancier Author Box: Google Authorship helps a great deal in increasing the amount of traffic to your website and enhancing your search results as well. The process is slightly complicated but Fancier Author Box makes it simpler. This will give you better control over the plugin. In addition, this will also generate a profile picture right next to your blog on search results.
Make Your Site Secure: Get Better WP Security and provide your website a safety net against basic attacks. It not only removes the ‘admin’ username but makes it available at your preferred time so that you can make the editions. It also sends saved backups in the form of emails, which can be used in the event of attacks on your website.
Never Compromise on Hosting: Hosting plays a decisive role in making a website efficient. Get WP Engine and make your website faster and securer. You might have to shell out extra bucks for hosting service providers such as GoDaddy and DreamHost, but it is absolute worth the money. That’s because you will get unmatched customer service from a hosting company that only utilizes WordPress.