Sunday, 27 April 2014

10 Advantages of Using WordPress to Power Your Company’s Website

One of the cornerstones of modern web design is the ability for a client, with no technical knowledge, to update their own website from anywhere at anytime. A website built with a Content Management System (CMS) makes this easy for a client to add pages, change text, upload photos and videos and publish blogs—all on their own terms. There are hundreds (probably thousands) of CMS systems but one has emerged to me as the clear choice—WordPress. If fact, virtually all sites I build now are custom WordPress websites.
1. Easy to Use
One of the reasons WordPress has grown so much in popularity is that the software is so easy to use for people who have no technical skill. Basically if you can use Microsoft Word and Facebook then WordPress will be intuitive for you. Tasks such as adding new pages, images and video are now easy for everyone.
2. Update Your Website From Anywhere
WordPress runs in your web browser. So from any computer with Internet access (at home, at the office, on a business trip, etc) you can log in and update your website. Even from your smartphone!
3. Take Control of Your Site
After your website is built and live, you can update it yourself. No more waiting for a web designer to schedule you in for a simple change or two.
4. Search Engines Love WordPress
The coding and structure of WordPress is great for search engines. Now don’t get me wrong, most companies would still need to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get strong rankings, but you will get much greater traction using WordPress than most other CMS choices.
5. Add Advanced Features With Plug-ins
With WordPress, you have access to thousands of plug-ins—most free—that can extend the functionality of your website. Add features such as contact forms, Twitter and Facebook streams, video, Google maps, audio, event calendars, slideshows, photo galleries and so much more.
6. WordPress is Scaleable
As your business grows and web technology continues to evolve, WordPress will grow along with you. You can create thousands of pages, blog articles, images and video over time without slowing down your site.
7. Multiple Users
If your company has several people who need to update your website (such as different blog authors) you can easily create individual accounts for each user. And each user can be assigned different access levels. So you can limit access to advanced features that you want to reserve only for your IT staff, etc.
8. Easily Stay Current
With traditional software, companies have to worry about upgrading and compatibility with their other software and networks. With WordPress, updating to the current version is as easy as clicking a button—the rest happens automatically in a matter of a few seconds.
9. Built-in Blog
Since WordPress originally began as a blog service, it is a core feature built-in. You can make your site into a full-fledged blog (if you’re running an online magazine for example) or make it a “corporate” site that has a blog along with traditional pages.
10. Interact With Visitors
As part of the built-in blog functionality, visitors can comment to your blog articles and you can respond, generating buzz and connecting one-on-one with your company. As a business owner, you also have some different options to moderate the comments depending on your preferences.

Socialentellus,  The best offshore WordPress development company in California, provides services for custom WordPress web development worldwide

Saturday, 26 April 2014

Business Advantages of Responsive Web Design

What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a web design and development technique that creates a site or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. Responsive design will optimise a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimised for the device that is accessing it.

Increasing your reach to tablet and mobile audiences

Increasing use of the internet and proliferation of web applications on tablet and mobile devices has been the driving force behind this development.  Traditionally users would be re-directed to a device specific site (e.g. mobile), but responsive design means one site can be implemented across devices.
Tablet sales are expected to exceed 100 million this year, meaning that responsive design has never been so important for those looking to optimise their online content. Indeed, some Byte9 sites are already experiencing up to 40% traffic from tablet and mobile devices, a strong commercial imperative to accommodate the smaller screen size in a unified design.

Increase sales and conversion rates

Another benefit of responsive design is that the user has an improved site experience as there is no need for redirection, use of standardised Style Sheets (CSS) across devices and unified design approach will also create a consistent look and feel.  Consistent user experience will have a positive impact on your conversion rates as people are familiar with navigation and site or system use across devices.  Responsive design removes some of the barriers that having multiple sites can present, i.e. in functionality, performance and consistent look and feel.

Consolidate your analytics and reporting

A single responsive site means that you no longer have to track user journeys, conversion paths, funnels and redirections between your sites. Site analytics tools like Google Analytics are now optimised to handle multiple devices and responsive reporting. All of your tracking and analytics will continue to function and be condensed into a single report, allowing for easier monitoring and analysis.

Increase your visibility in search engines

Responsive Design means you can manage one website with a single set of hypertext links; therefore reducing the time spent maintaining your site. This allows you to focus on link outreach with a consolidated Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy. SEO campaigns can be time consuming and costly, but by creating a responsive site, all of your efforts can be focussed on a single site, with unified strategy and tactics across devices.
Content is vital in SEO, good quality content which is regularly released improves your search engine ranking page positioning, therefore a further advantage of responsive design is that fewer resources can be wasted in low-level duplication of content across sites, the content need only be applied to a single site, increasing your chances or a higher search engine ranking.
Additionally Google suggest (which Byte9 analytics can confirm) that mobile optimised, responsive sites are featuring prominently in localised search results. This is obviously of huge significance to high street and online retailers, amongst other burgeoning mobile use cases.

Save time and cost on mobile development

A primary benefit of adopting a responsive design is that it takes less time than creating an additional stand-alone mobile site, which has been the traditional approach. Testing across a number of websites also increases your development, support and maintenance overhead. As styles are re-used and optimised by device standardised testing methodologies can also be used.

Save time and cost on site management

Clients will also find it much easier and less time consuming to manage and maintain a single site,  with much less content to manage. Additionally a single administrative interface can easily be optimised, using layout and workflow tools to manage the correct content, or site templates that are being used for different devices. Business logic can be applied such that the overall multi-device experience can be significantly enhanced within a single administration, like Blaze CMS.

Enhance user’s offline browsing experience

Responsive design allows site owners to deliver quality content to audiences across devices, the offline browsing capabilities of HTML5 mean that sites can be easily accessed ‘on the go’. As HTML5 enabled tablets and smart phones proliferate this will become increasingly important.  Email newsletters, and content contained in hybrid HTML5 web applications will increasingly be consumed on the move and in the absence of an internet connection.


Responsive design allows you to stay ahead of the trend. As the demand for media rich mobile internet and apps is burgeoning, several important implications must be addressed; development and maintenance costs, visibility in search engines and better conversion rates.

We offer web design services for businesses, organizations and personal projects. Our Website Design Services are professional, affordable and flexible to meet your expectation.
Website Development & Designing Company in California

Friday, 25 April 2014

Benefits of a Website for Small Businesses

Your website is a powerful marketing tool. A well maintained website can help you gain a competitive advantage in your industry and improve your business image. Developing your web site offers many benefits including helping you get more leads and prospects, increase sales, enhance your professional “brand,” and improve your customer service.
1. Improve Your Advertising Effectiveness
Placing your website address on all of your promotional material will help you gain additional exposure and encourage the visitors to first check your site for the information they are seeking.
2. Save Money on Printing and Distribution Costs
A website can act as your online brochure or catalog that can be changed or updated at anytime. If you employ a content management system (CMS) you can make changes quickly and at no charge.
3. Easy Access to New Customers
You can have your existing customers refer you to their friends and relatives using only your web address or URL.
4. Easy to Use and Update
If maintained properly your website will always be up-to-date and current. Easily make updates, edits and deletions from any computer on the Internet. No more having to pay a programmer every time you want to chance a date or add a product.
5. Improve Productivity 
A website increases your company’s productivity because less time is spent explaining product or service details to customers because all this information is available 24 hours a day on your website.
6. Educate Your Customers
Your website can offer free advice about your products and services. This information can be delivered at any hour in a well thought out and consistent way.
7. Expand Your Market
The Internet allows businesses to break through the geographical barriers and become accessible from any of the world by a potential customer that has an Internet connection. Selling products online is cheaper and easier for you and your customers.
8. Extend Your Local Reach 
Extend the local reach of your brick-and-mortar store to consumers around the world. You are open for business 24/7 – 365 days/year with all the information the visitors needs to make an informed decision.
9. Promote & Sell Products & Services
Provide photos and detailed descriptions of your products or services. Explain why your products or services are superior to your competitors. Show visitors how your products or services can help them in their personal or professional lives.
1o. Great Tool for Finding New Employees
You can post job opportunities for available positions and applicants can investigate your company and apply online.
11. Your Own Internet Identity
You can post job opportunities for available positions and applicants can investigate your company and apply online.

Socialentellus is leading web Development Company in California
providing professional website design, web development, ecommerce
solutions, brand marketing.

 Website Designing Company in California